
Welcome to Mountain Top Baptist Church, a friendly, independent, Bible-centered church that practically preaches and applies the Word of God. We are traditional in worship, singing the time honored hymns of the faith. Our goal is to see our community reached and strengthened by God’s Word. Our desire is to be a local ministry with a global mindset.
We look forward to meeting you soon!  –  Pastor Joshua Hamilton

Service Times

Sunday School: 9:45am
Morning Worship: 11:00am
Afternoon Service: 1:00pm
Wednesday Prayer Meeting: 6:30pm

Beginning May, Sunday PM service is moving from 1pm to 6pm.


865 Church Rd,
Mountain Top, PA 18707

Contact Info

Email: info@mtbaptist.org
Phone: 570.678.2606


Facebook: www.facebook.com/MTBCPA
Sermon Audio: www.sermonaudio.com/series/200805